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About K.R.E.A.M Lyfe Clothing

Kreativity Resonates Emotion Appearance & Mentality...Let Your Feelings Express!

K.R.E.A.M Code:

How you FEEL, LOOK, & THINK define your individuality. Key in both fashion and life, it gives you unlimited power in a world of control. Destiny has chosen, its on you to understand fate & make the right decisions on your path.


The plane(our logo) is a representation of oneself. The building, definition, & completion of individualism through fashion. Amid a slew of carbon copies, hype beast and those with just no sense of who "They" truly are inside and out.

  1. Body:(RESPECT) 1st impressions are everything. So to not respect oneself physically inside and out is already loosing the esteem battle. Conduct compels, You are who the people "SEE you as.
  2. Front Wings(TRUST & LOYALTY) Without Guidance you go a stray. You can't distinct Left from right nor right from wrong. These things test our control, devotion and overall will to "Let go" and understand everything is not in our power.
  3. Tail Wing:(Knowledge)Guidance, Skills, experience & Education(formal & common) are attributed to a Cognitive brain. Without it you are a NOBODY. Perception, communication, association, & reasoning are key.
  4. Banner:(Empowerment) You are whom you project yourself to be. No matter of opinion or personal stance, ONLY YOU can openly express how you feel inside(mentally & physically)Be YOURSELF, SPEAK UP & SPEAK OUT
In a culture that has many brands and avenues , where individual sense of style had been jaded and misguided by media. Most brands choose to follow trends or jump on the latest fad perpetuated by music and sports, only to become one of the many NOT stepping out and expressing true feeling because of the fear of not being accepted. We(K.R.E.A.M Lyfe) are geared towards standing out on every level. We want to address & present prints for all things from hip hop to taboo. When you see, think, or speak of our brand we want the "WOW" factor. Its a brand of the people, for the people and by the people. Without your support there is no purpose 

Now go BE YOURSELF and live that K.R.E.A.M Lyfe